One Capital’s professionals have in excess of 96 years combined corporate finance and advisory experience and have initiated and executed a number of DealMakers® top rated transactions across a variety of sectors. The One Capital ethos is one of committed teamwork with a collective focus on ethics, swift execution, quality and excellence. One Capital prides itself on the innovative ideas, comprehensive strategies and bespoke solutions provided to clients based on the strength of the firm’s intellectual capital and experience.
One Capital acquired the entire issued share capital of Barnard Jacobs Mellet Corporate Finance (Pty) Limited (“BJM Corporate Finance”) from the then JSE listed company, Barnard Jacobs Mellet Holdings Limited, during 2010 and BJM Corporate Finance became a wholly-owned subsidiary of One Capital. One Capital renamed and re-branded BJM Corporate Finance to One Capital Sponsor Services (Pty) Limited and it trades under the One Capital name and brand.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of the restructuring and increase to its bank funding facilities (the “Facilities”). The Facilities were increased to R12.3 billion. Deal value: R1.3 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Debt Sponsor to The National Treasury of the Republic of South Africa in respect of the successful launch of the first sovereign Rand-denominated Al-Ijarah Sukuk Certificate Programme on the African continent, through The RSA Domestic Sukuk Trustee (RF) Proprietary Limited as trustee of The RSA Domestic Sukuk Trust. Deal value: R20.386 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Debt Sponsor to The National Treasury of the Republic of South Africa in respect of the issue of two inflation linked notes maturing in 2043 and 2058, respectively. Aggregate deal value: R130 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of the restructuring and increase to its bank funding facilities (the “Facilities”). The Facilities were increased to R11.0 billion. Deal value: R2.8 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Transaction Sponsor to York Timber Holdings Limited in respect of a partially underwritten R250 million renounceable rights offer (“Rights Offer”). The Rights Offer was fully subscribed. Deal value: R250 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor to Northam Platinum Holdings Limited (“Northam”) in respect of a R5.5 billion acquisition facility for purposes of funding an increase to the cash component of Northam’s proposed offer to shareholders of Royal Bafokeng Platinum Limited (“RBPlat”) to acquire the remaining RBPlat ordinary shares not already held by Northam. Deal value: R5.5 billion.
One Capital acted
as Sole Corporate Advisor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of the increase
to its bank funding facilities (the “Facilities”). The Facilities were
increased to R10.6 billion. Deal value: R1.5 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor, Sponsor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam Platinum Holdings Limited (“Northam”) in respect of the proposed offer to shareholders of Royal Bafokeng Platinum Limited (“RBPlat”) to acquire the remaining RBPlat ordinary shares not already held by Northam (“Offer”), pioneering an innovative cash ratchet offer consideration mechanism. The Offer was subsequently terminated as a result of material adverse changes in metal prices having occurred. Deal value: R31.7 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Arranger, Dealer and Debt Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited (“Northam”) in respect of the private placement of R243 million senior unsecured floating rate notes under Northam’s R15 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme. Deal value: R243 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Arranger, Dealer and Debt Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited (“Northam”) in respect of the private placement of R3.5 billion senior unsecured floating rate notes under Northam’s R15 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme. Deal value: R3.5 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of the refinancing of its bank funding facilities (the “Facilities”). The Facilities were increased to R9.15 billion and the maturity thereof was extended to August 2027. Deal value: R9.15 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Arranger, Dealer and Debt Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of the private placement of R250 million senior unsecured floating rate notes under its R15 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme. Deal value: R250 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor, Arranger, Dealer and Debt Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of a restructure of its R15 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme through (i) the purchase and cancellation of existing notes in an aggregate amount of R325 million and the simultaneous private placement of new notes for the same nominal amount with longer maturity dates, (ii) the effective extension of the maturity of the nominal amount of certain notes to the value of R725 million, and (ii) raising new funding in respect of the private placement of R1.93 billion of notes under the Programme. Aggregate deal value: R3.31 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Arranger, Dealer and Debt Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of the private placement of R245 million senior unsecured floating rate notes under its R15 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme. Deal value: R245 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor, Arranger, Dealer and Debt Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of a c. R3.34 billion restructure of its R15 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme through (i) the purchase and cancellation of existing notes in an aggregate amount of c. R3.34 billion and the simultaneous private placement of new notes for the same nominal amount with longer maturity dates and (ii) raising new funding in respect of the private placement of c. R1.04 billion of notes under the Programme. Aggregate deal value: R7.72 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor, Transaction Sponsor and Debt Sponsor to Northam Platinum Holdings Limited in respect a c. R17 billion acquisition of a strategic 32.8% interest in Royal Bafokeng Platinum Limited, with an innovative put/call option mechanism to increase its interest to 34.9%. Aggregate deal value: R17 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Arranger, Dealer and Debt Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of the private placement of R300 million senior unsecured floating rate notes under its R15 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme. Deal value: R300 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Arranger, Dealer and Debt Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of the private placement of R150 million senior unsecured floating rate notes under its R15 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme. Deal value: R150 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor to Northam Platinum Limited (“Northam”) in respect of the increase in its available bank funding facilities by R1 billion, from R4 billion to R5 billion. The increase comprises a R500 million increase in Northam’s existing revolving credit facility and a R500 million increase in Northam’s existing general banking facility. Aggregate deal value: R1 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Arranger, Dealer and Debt Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of the private placement of R650 million senior unsecured floating rate notes under its R15 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme. Aggregate deal value: R650 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Arranger, Dealer and Debt Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of a c.R1.91 billion note switch under its R15 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme through the purchase and cancellation of existing notes in an aggregate amount of c.R1.91 billion and the simultaneous private placement of new notes for the same nominal amount with longer maturity dates. Aggregate deal value: R3.82 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Arranger, Dealer and Debt Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of the private placement of R100 million senior unsecured floating rate notes under its R15 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme. Deal value: R100 million.
One Capital acts as Sole Corporate Advisor, Sponsor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited (“Northam”) and Northam Platinum Holdings Limited (“Northam Holdings”) and as the Transaction Sponsor and Debt Sponsor to Northam and Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited (“Zambezi”) in respect of a composite transaction in excess of R200 billion, involving: a R43 billion acceleration of the maturity of the Zambezi BEE transaction; a R36 billion extended BEE transaction; a R2 billion acquisition of Zambezi preference shares by Northam; a R5.4 billion buy-back of Northam shares from Zambezi; a R136 billion offer for, and delisting of, Northam’s shares on the JSE and a concomitant R136 billion listing of a new holding company, Northam Holdings, on the JSE; and a R4.8 billion listing of a Historically Disadvantaged Persons owned and controlled vehicle on the BEE segment of the JSE. Approximate deal value: R227 billion based on Northam’s closing share price of R267.18 on 8 April 2021.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of acquiring Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited preference shares in off-market block trades with various counterparties. Aggregate deal value: R1.1 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of acquiring Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited preference shares in off-market block trades with various counter parties. Aggregate deal value: R1.6 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Arranger, Dealer and Debt Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of the private placement of R1.33 billion senior unsecured floating rate notes, with a staggered maturity, in an oversubscribed bookbuild under Northam’s R15 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme. Deal value: R1.33 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Arranger, Dealer and Debt Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of a R492.1 million note switch under its R10 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme through the purchase and cancellation of existing notes in an aggregate amount of R492.1 million and the simultaneous private placement of new notes for the same nominal amount. Aggregate deal value: R984.2 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Transaction Sponsor to African Oxygen Limited in respect of the acquisition of the entire issued share capital and delisting of African Oxygen Limited from the exchange operated by the JSE and the Namibian Stock Exchange. Approximate deal value: R2.8 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of acquiring Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited preference shares in off-market block trades with various counter parties. Aggregate deal value: R3.5 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Arranger, Dealer and Debt Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of the private placement of c.R166 million senior unsecured floating rate notes under Northam’s R10 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme. Approximate deal value: R166 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of acquiring Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited preference shares in off-market block trades with various counterparties. Aggregate deal value: R804.6 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Debt Sponsor to The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited in respect of the issue of c.R1.2 billion senior unsecured fixed rate notes, which mature in 2030, and a tap issue of R765 million senior unsecured fixed rate notes, which mature in 2034, under its R31.91 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme. Approximate deal value: R2 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of acquiring Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited preference shares in off-market block trades with various counterparties. Aggregate deal value: R959.7 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor, Arranger, Dealer and Debt Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect a R2.65 billion restructure of its R10 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme through (i) the purchase and cancellation of existing notes in an aggregate amount of c.R2.24 billion and the simultaneous private placement of new notes for the same nominal amount with longer maturity dates and (ii) raising new funding in respect of the private placement of c.R411 million of notes under the Programme. Aggregate deal value: R4.9 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Arranger, Dealer and Debt Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of the issue of R1.27 billion senior unsecured floating rate notes under Northam’s R10 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme. Deal value: R1.27 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of acquiring Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited preference shares in off-market block trades with various counter parties. Aggregate deal value: R1.27 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor to Capitalworks Atlanta GP Proprietary Limited (acting in its capacity as the general partner of the Investment Partnership III), and two special purpose companies, being Business Venture Investments No 2138 (RF) Proprietary Limited and Business Venture Investments No 2137 (RF) Limited on the acquisition of all or a portion of the issued share capital and delisting of Peregrine Holdings Limited from the JSE and A2X. Approximate deal value: R4.2 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Arranger, Dealer and Debt Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of the private placement of R500 million senior unsecured floating rate notes, with a 5 year maturity, under Northam’s R5 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme. Deal value: R500 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Arranger, Dealer and Debt Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of the issue of R1.35 billion senior unsecured floating rate notes, with a 2 year maturity, in an oversubscribed bookbuild under Northam’s R5 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme. Deal value: R1.35 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of acquiring Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited preference shares in an off-market block trade with the Public Investment Corporation SOC Limited. Deal value: R997.5 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Debt Sponsor to The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited in respect of the issue of R1 billion senior unsecured fixed rate notes, which mature in 2022, and a tap issue of R1 billion senior unsecured fixed rate notes, which mature in 2034, under its R31.91 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme. Deal value: R2 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor to Northam Platinum Limited (“Northam”) in respect of the purchase by Eland Platinum Proprietary Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Northam, of the Maroelabult assets including the mining and surface rights, infrastructure, equipment and associated fixed and movable property, from Barplats Mines Proprietary Limited, a subsidiary of Eastern Platinum Limited. Deal value: R20 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Debt Sponsor to The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited in respect of the tap issue of R500 million senior unsecured fixed rate notes, which mature in 2034, under its R31.91 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme. Deal value: R500 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Debt Sponsor to The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited in respect of the tap issue of R700 million senior unsecured fixed rate notes, which mature in 2035, under its R31.91 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme. Deal value: R700 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor and Transaction Sponsor to Atlatsa Resources Corporation (“Atlatsa”) in respect of a financial restructure plan for Atlatsa and its subsidiaries (“Atlatsa Group”), implemented by way of a Canadian court-approved plan of arrangement which included, inter alia, (i) the disposal of the Atlatsa Group’s Kwanda North and Central Block prospecting rights to Anglo American Platinum Limited for R300 million, (ii) the write-off of all debt owing by Atlatsa Group and Atlatsa’s holding company to Anglo American Platinum Limited (approximately R5.3 billion), (iii) the repurchase of Anglo American Platinum Limited’s 22.55% shareholding in Atlatsa for nominal consideration, (iv) the compulsory repurchase of shares held by Atlatsa’s minority shareholders and (v) the delisting of Atlatsa from the Toronto Stock Exchange and the JSE. Approximate deal value: R6.2 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor and Transaction Sponsor to Italtile Limited in respect of a black economic empowerment transaction in which Yard Investment Holdings Proprietary Limited, through a special purpose vehicle, subscribed for 26,400,000 new Italtile Limited shares by way of a general issue of shares for cash. Approximate deal value: R312 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Arranger, Dealer and Sole Debt Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of the fresh issue of R500 million senior unsecured floating rate notes, with a 1 year maturity, under its R5 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme. Deal value: R500 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of acquiring Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited preference shares in an off-market block trade with Coronation Asset Management Proprietary Limited. Approximate deal value: R293 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of acquiring Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited preference shares in an off-market block trade with the Public Investment Corporation SOC Limited. Approximate deal value: R1 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of the refinancing of its 5 year R3.5 billion revolving credit facility and updating its R500 million general banking facilities, both on more favourable terms. Deal value: R4 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of acquiring Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited preference shares in off-market block trades with Coronation Asset Management Proprietary Limited. Approximate deal value: R104 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Debt Sponsor to The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited in respect of the issue of R3.65 billion and tap issue of R350 million senior unsecured fixed rate notes, with a range of maturities, under its R31.91 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme. Deal value: R4 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor to Crossfin Transactional Solutions Proprietary Limited in respect of its acquisition of a controlling interest in Sureswipe Proprietary Limited (a company operating in the ICT sector). Approximate deal value: Confidential.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of arranging R1 billion of additional banking facilities and a consolidation of Northam’s revolving credit facilities into a single facility. Deal value: R1 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Arranger, Dealer and Sole Debt Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of a fresh issue of R1.65 billion senior unsecured floating rate notes, with a range of maturities from 1 to 3 years, under its R2 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme. Deal value: R1.65 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor and Transaction Sponsor to EOH Holdings Limited in respect of its R1 billion black economic empowerment transaction. Deal value: R1 billion.
One Capital acted as Transaction Sponsor to Trans Hex Group Limited in respect of the disposal of its Lower Orange River Operations. Approximate deal value: R72 million.
One Capital acted as Transaction Sponsor to DRDGOLD Limited on the acquisition of selected surface processing plants and tailings assets, by way of an acquisition of a 100% interest in WRTRP Proprietary Limited, from Sibanye Gold Limited, trading as Sibanye-Stillwater. Approximate deal value: R895 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor to Northam Platinum Limited in respect of its new R1 billion two-year unsecured revolving credit facility. Deal value: R1 billion.
One Capital acted as Transaction Sponsor to Trans Hex Group Limited on the acquisition of a further 27% interest in West Coast Resources from a related party. Approximate deal value: R39 million.
One Capital acted as Joint Corporate Advisor to Sovereign Food Investments Limited and Capitalworks Private Equity SP GP Proprietary Limited (acting in its capacity as general partner of Special Purpose Acquisition Partnership II, and Gallus Holdings Limited) and Transaction Sponsor to Sovereign Food Investments Limited, on the acquisition of the entire issued share capital and delisting of Sovereign Food Investments Limited from the JSE. Approximate deal value: R907 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor to Capitalworks Private Equity SP GP Proprietary Limited, acting in its capacity as general partner of Special Purpose Acquisition Partnership I, and CorpVent 100 Limited on the acquisition of the entire issued share capital and delisting of Petmin Limited from the JSE. Approximate deal value: R830 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited on the disposal of its 7.5% interest in Pandora Joint Venture. Approximate deal value: R46 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited on the acquisition of the Eland Platinum mine and related assets from Glencore Operations South Africa (Pty) Ltd. Approximate deal value: R175 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited on the acquisition of contiguous additional resources at Zondereinde mine from Anglo American Platinum Limited. Approximate deal value: R1 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor, Arranger, Dealer and Debt Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited on the issue of R175 million five year senior unsecured fixed rate notes under its R2 billion Domestic Medium Term Note Programme. Approximate deal value: R175 million.
One Capital acted as South African Bookrunner and JSE Sponsor to Pan African Resources PLC on a vendor consideration placing, comprising two separate but simultaneous and co-ordinated vendor consideration placings in the United Kingdom and South Africa. Approximate deal value: R363 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor and Transaction Sponsor to Pan African Resources PLC on the acquisition of a further 33.6% interest in Shanduka Gold Proprietary Limited from Jadeite Limited. Approximate aggregate deal value for Pan African’s acquisition of SBSA’s and Jadeite’s interest in Shanduka Gold: R545.6 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor and Transaction Sponsor to Pan African Resources PLC on the acquisition of a 6.9% interest in Shanduka Gold Proprietary Limited from Standard Bank of South Africa Limited. Approximate deal value: Confidential.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor, Arranger, Dealer and Debt Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited on the private placement of new domestic medium term notes with the Industrial Development Corporation. Approximate deal value: R250 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor, Sole Bookrunner and Transaction Sponsor on the listing of Zambezi Platinum (RF) Limited on the Main Board of the JSE, pursuant to Northam Platinum Limited’s empowerment transaction. Approximate deal value: R6.6 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Bookrunner and Transaction Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited on the secondary placement of Eurasian Natural Resource Corporation’s (ENRC) 13% equity interest in Northam to institutional shareholders. Approximate deal value: R2.5 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor and Transaction Sponsor to Northam Platinum Limited on the acquisition of the Everest Mine and related assets from Aquarius Platinum. Approximate deal value: R450 million.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor to Tiso Investment Holdings and the Tiso Foundation Charitable Trust on the disposal of their 22.9% interest in Kagiso Tiso Holdings to Blackstar Group SE. Approximate deal value: R2.1 billion.
One Capital acted as Sole Corporate Advisor and JSE Transaction Sponsor to Litha Healthcare Group on the offer by Paladin (Endo) to acquire 100% of Litha Healthcare via a scheme of arrangement and the related delisting of Litha Healthcare Group. Approximate deal value: R464 million.
Applications are now open for One Capital’s 2026 Graduate Training Programme.
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Following completion of the application form, please send your CV, Academic Transcript and Matric Certificate to:
Application closing date: 31 August 2025
17 Fricker Road, Illovo, 2196
PO Box 784573, Sandton, 2146
Tel: +27 11 550 5000
BCom (Hons) (University of Pretoria), BCompt (Hons) (University of South Africa)
Cobus co-founded One Capital in 2009 and serves as CEO of the firm. He has over 22 years of corporate finance experience and, in 2015, was awarded the DealMakers® Individual DealMaker of the Year award in recognition of his transaction related achievements during 2014. In 2021, he was ranked as one of the top 3 Individual DealMakers of 2020 by DealMakers®.
Prior to establishing One Capital, Cobus served as CEO of Barnard Jacobs Mellet Corporate Finance from 2007 to 2009 as well as Managing Director of Quaestor Capital from 2000 to 2006. During his time as a principal, he gained extensive experience across various types of corporate actions.
Cobus qualified as a chartered accountant with Ernst & Young in 1997 following which he spent approximately two years at Anglo American Corporation in their Corporate and International Finance division.
CA(SA) | JSE Equity and Debt Approved Executive
BCom (Hons) (University of Pretoria)
Tristin joined One Capital in May 2012 and serves as managing director of the advisory division. He has more than 13 years of corporate finance experience and has successfully advised on numerous transaction across all aspects of corporate finance and spanning a broad range of industries.
Prior to joining One Capital, Tristin co-founded Capital Hill, a niche corporate finance advisory boutique focused on M&A and debt and equity capital markets. Capital Hill was acquired by Sasfin Bank in April 2010, following which Tristin served as a corporate finance executive at Sasfin Corporate Finance until Aptil 2012. Tristin qualified as a charter accountant in 2006 after completing his articles with Ernst & Young.
He subsequently joined Ernst & Young’s corporate finance division after a 3 month secondment to the UK in January 2008, Tristin joined T-Corporate, a corporate finance boutique based in Sandton, and was later selected to participate in a management buy-out of T-Corporate resulting in the formation of Capital Hill.
CA(SA) | JSE Equity and Debt Approved Executive
B.Com (Hons) (University of Pretoria)
Geoffrey has gained extensive experience at One Capital across various M&A transactions, including capital raisings (debt and equity), private equity, asset acquisitions and public-to-private transactions and instrument structuring.
Geoffrey completed his articles with PwC and has completed the JSE Sponsor Development Programme.
Prior to joining One Capital, Geoffrey worked as a Senior Associate with PwC London, focusing on Assurance.
JSE Equity and Debt Approved Executive
B.Com Fin (Hons) (University of the Witwatersrand)
Gift joined One Capital in early 2016 as a Graduate Trainee and successfully completed One Capital’s two year Graduate Training Programme (Sponsor Division) at the end of 2017.
Gift has gained extensive experience at One Capital and provides regulatory advice to JSE listed entities in both equity and debt markets.
CA (SA) | CFA® Charterholder | JSE Equity Approved Executive
B.Bus Sci Fin (Hons), PGD (Accounting) (University of Cape Town)
Placed 1st in South Africa for the JSE Sponsor Development Programme in 2016.
Nick joined One Capital in 2015 and has advised on complex corporate restructurings, asset acquisitions and disposals, refinancing arrangements and empowerment transactions.
Nick completed his articles with PwC, where he was employed in the Banking and Capital Markets division. Prior to joining One Capital, Nick completed a short-term assignment with PwC in Dallas, Texas.
B.Bus Sci Fin (Hons), PGD (Accounting) (University of Cape Town)
Jonathan joined One Capital in 2020 and has experience across M&A transactions, private equity, asset acquisitions, empowerment transactions and instrument structuring.
Jonathan completed his articles with Deloitte, where he was employed in the Financial Services division. Prior to joining One Capital, Jonathan completed a short-term assignment with EY in New York City.
Admitted Attorney | JSE Equity Approved Executive
B.Sc & B.Law (Hons) (Rhodes University)
Rowan joined One Capital in 2021 and serves as a manager in One Capital’s Sponsor Services division, providing regulatory advisory services to JSE listed companies.
Prior to joining One Capital, Rowan worked as a junior associate in the Corporate Commercial department at Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc., having completed his articles of clerkship at the same firm.